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Thursday 21st March
New Member Announcement

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We are amending our new member registration processes and are pleased to add two new faces to our membership ranks.

William Haggas has been proposed by Lord Rathcreedan and seconded by Peter Jensen and approved by the committee. As most of you will know William is a leading and derby-winning trainer from Newmarket. He has also many Group races to his name and is a trainer to the Royal Family. Welcome on board William and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events shortly.

Rejoining us is former member Andrew Munro who became a founding member in 2013 but left in 2017 to move his family to Dubai. Andrew was originally proposed by our previous Hon Treasurer and now Honorary Member Paul Parsonson. Paul has re-endorsed Andrew’s return and I have seconded Paul’s proposal. Welcome back Andrew and we look forward to seeing you shortly.

William and Andrew, welcome and your Club tie awaits.

If you wish to read more about William and Andrew, please click here, they’re located under our General Members section.